Commuting Options


If you’re at the point of telling traffic to “take a hike,” then you might just want to take a hike yourself. Or, more realistically, a walk to work. Along with CommuteInfo’s rideshare program, we also promote walking to work or school when location and convenience make it possible.

Walking to work can provide tremendous personal health benefits, costs zero in gas and puts no harmful emissions into the environment. Worried about safety? Check out our basic street smarts for tips on staying safe.

If you are unable to walk to work, ask your employer about other options, including:


Work from home or work remotely from another site.

Flex schedules

Adjust your schedule to avoid traffic by starting and ending work outside of rush hours.

Compressed work weeks

Work fewer days a week by working more hours per day.

I commute from North Side to Downtown, walking to and from work a few days a week. I usually take the Andy Warhol bridge. It is always so nice to get some fresh air and exercise first thing in the morning, while also helping the environment.

Lisa D.