Warrendale Bayne Rd at Brush Creek Rd-Warrendale
Warrendale Bayne Rd. at Brush Creek Rd.
Marshall Township
Warrendale, PA 15086
Approx. 17 Miles N of Downtown Pittsburgh
Number of Spaces: 112 | Parking Fee: None
Additional Information:
This facility is located on Warrendale Bayne Rd. at Brush Creek Rd. off the Warrendale exit of I-79.
Reservations are required for Lenzner Coach Line riders. Please refer to the Lenzner Coach Lines website for more information.
Owned by: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Transit Availability:
Transit Service Provided By
Routes to Downtown Pittsburgh (Unless Otherwise Noted)
- Lenzner Coach Lines
Pittsburgh Commuter Service – [Warrendale To Pittsburgh]
- Lenzner Coach Lines
Pittsburgh Commuter Service – [Pittsburgh To Warrendale]